There are those who spend their lives seeking answers directly from the ghosts themselves. Today they call themselves "ghost hunters", but the pursuit of information from beyond the grave is as old as mankind. Shamans performed elaborate rituals to produce visions, many tribes connected spiritually with ancestors, and just about every modern religion includes a right that involves communication with someone who was once alive. Victorians considered communication with the dead, a naughty sort of parlor trick - everyone expostulated about the foolishness of it all, but seances were always well-attended.
Today, ghost hunting is the subject of reality television and the pastime of choice for more than just bored teenagers. While some may be interested in only proving or disproving the existence of ghosts, others are on a mission to interact with the dead and gain a clearer understanding of what awaits us on the other side.
If you’re curious about ghost hunting, give it a try. The professionals who chase ghosts for a living have all kinds of specialized equipment, but the most compelling evidence always seems to come from the simplest tools - a camera, a video camera, and a handheld audio recorder. Even if you’re not interested in documenting evidence, visual and audio recording devices often capture things the naked eye does not.
Location, Location, Location
Theoretically, you could find a ghost anywhere - considering how many people have lived and died, the world should be crowded with ghosts if ghosthood is, in fact, a stage of death. But even the pros seem to have trouble finding ghosts, so starting with a known True Religion Canada "haunted" location may up your chances. Old houses, cemeteries and battlefields are great places to start because they have a connection to both the living and the dead.
Hearing Voices
If there are in fact ghosts at your location, they are not likely to walk up and introduce themselves. You have to talk to them, coax them out of hiding. Make them understand that you are just there to talk, not to hurt them or chase them away. Introduce yourself and make small talk. This is where digital tape recorders come in handy - you may get a response. You might hear it, you might not; a current theory is that ghosts communicate in a register that we can’t hear. But when the digital recording is slowed down and run through noise-reducing filters, the voice becomes clear. The recording can also help debunk voices, too - the mind is a tricky thing, and if you want to hear a voice very badly, your mind may invent one to make you happy. If it doesn’t show up on the recording, you can be assured it was just a trick of the silence and atmosphere.
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